Audio Demos

The following tracks were all produced entirely with Looptical.

iPhone Screenshots

Mixer screenshot for Looptical


Drum Pads screenshot for Looptical

Drum Pads

Drum Roller screenshot for Looptical

Drum Roller

Single Keyboard screenshot for Looptical

Single Keyboard

Scale Piano screenshot for Looptical

Scale Piano

Dual Keyboard screenshot for Looptical

Dual Keyboard

Chord Guitar screenshot for Looptical

Chord Guitar

Granulizer screenshot for Looptical


Drive screenshot for Looptical

Drive Effect

Reverb screenshot for Looptical

Reverb Effect

Gain screenshot for Looptical

Gain Effect

Bit Crusher screenshot for Looptical

Bit Crusher Effect

Compressor screenshot for Looptical

Compressor Effect

EQ screenshot for Looptical

EQ Effect

Filter screenshot for Looptical

Filter Effect

Delay screenshot for Looptical

Delay Effect

Filter XY Pad screenshot for Looptical

Filter XY Pad

Chorus screenshot for Looptical

Chorus Effect

Phaser screenshot for Looptical

Phaser Effect

Trance Gate screenshot for Looptical

Trance Gate Effect

Loop Bank screenshot for Looptical

Loop bank